Pizza, chili, steak, and oysters are just a few foods that taste great with a cold microbrew sitting slightly to the left of your plate. But have you ever had those foods fused
into a beer?
Believe it or not, the food and drink combinations listed above are just a few of the many strange, interesting, and downright insane flavors that have been molded into their own respective beers.
Youre more than welcome to try one, two, or all of these wacky combinations in your beer making kit, provided you have the correct ingredients. But for now just read through the following list for a sample of ideas or a potential purchase the next time you recognize the beer at your local liquor store. If anything, youre setting yourself up for an interesting conversation with a bartender at your favorite local pub.
Strange Beers
1. Mamma Mia! Pizza Beer
Pizza and beer are equivalent to peanut butter and jelly, macaroni and cheese, and green eggs and ham, so it only makes sense that someone would try to combine the two into one delicious drink. Interestingly enough, this Chicago-brewed beer has garnered many positive reviews from beer connoisseurs and apparently is drinkable with a variety of foods.
2. Cave Creek Chili Beer
Weve all heard of the worm in the tequila, and this brewery in Cave Creek, Arizona, has tweaked the concept with a chili in their aptly named chili beer. Most reviews will tell you to avoid this Tabasco sauce-tasting beer at all costs, but if anything its worth trying simply for its future benefit as a conversation starter.
3. Tutankhamen Ale
The only strange thing about this beer is its origins. The recipe for Tutankhamen Ale was discovered in the Sun Temple of Egypt, and Queen Nefertiti was its master brewer. The archaeologists also discovered 10 rooms complete with ancient beer brewing kits and rare ingredients that were used in making only 1,000 bottles of this historic ale. While the bottles average a price of $76, the first one sold for $7,686. For that price, it better be historically good.
4. Shenandoah Chocolate Donut Beer
When was the last time you had a beer with your morning donut? Perhaps a better question is when was the last time you had a donut with your evening beer? The Shenandoah Chocolate Donut Beer smells like a Krispy Kreme and tastes like a standard chocolate stout with a hint of vanilla and caramel at the back end.
5. Exit 1 Bayshore Oyster Stout
The Flying Fish Brewing Co. in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, is not the first brewer to merge oysters in the brewing process, as beer makers in the United Kingdom used to combine the two before the rise of pale ales and shortage of oysters. The oysters add a little creaminess to the already creamy dark stout beer, and surprisingly go perfect with a plate of oysters.
If you ever happen to run across any of these odd beers, want to try making one with your beer making kit, or have a wacky beer idea of your own that just needs a few strange beer making supplies, dont hesitate for a second. You just may be brewing the next popular novelty beer.