Makes 4 liters, and may be multiplied. All teaspoon measures are level.
- 10 cups rose petals
- 1 gallon water
- 2.5 pounds white granulated sugar
- ½ teaspoon yeast nutrient
- 3.5 teaspoons vinacid R
- 2 teaspoons Campden tablets
- ½ teaspoon grape tannin
- 10 ounces white grape concentrate
- 1 pack Lavlin wine yeast
- Starting specific gravity (SG) should be 1.090 - 1.095.
- Put all ingredients except water and yeast in primary fermentor.
- Add half the quantity of water hot and stir to dissolve sugar.
- Add the rest of the water cold.
- Cover with a plastic sheet.
- When must is 21 - 23 degrees C / 70 - 75 degrees F (about 24 hours) add yeast.
- Stir must daily.
- Ferment for 4 - 5 days or until specific gravity is 1.030.
- Strain out pulp through nylon straining bag and press.
- Siphon into carboys or gallon jugs and attach fermentation locks.
- Rack in 10 days and again in one month.
- If necessary, fine with recommended finings.
- Bottle when wine is clear and stable.